Welcome Upper St. Clair Class of 1976

11/3/14 - New website - Thank you Kyle Cook and Ann Marks for keeping and updating the classmates data. This new application will allow our members to view & edit the Address Book so we may have the correct information for the 40 year reunion notification - along with giving the site additional functionality and tables.

Please register for the website - Register Now and then see the info for New Members below.

Once your access level is elevated, Please login and edit information in the Address Book - and select "verified" while editing. We will begin discussions on the 40 year reunion soon, but please add your comments now - adding comments will be available on the public site.

To go to the home page select the Home - in the menu above.

any questions, contact us at: admin@usc1976.com



New Members

Once a new member registers, they will be sent an email to the address they registered with. Once they receive the email, they will follow the link in the email to verify and activate the account. This will allow you to log in and automatically be at the "Default" access level - To view the Address bbok and personal info for our group they must be elevated to a viewer or editor level. Once you register, the administrator is automatically notified and will elevate your access level accordingly.

any questions Contact Us

Note: we have already set up the class of '74 -working on the class of 76 - just purchased their domain up to 2021. The class of 75 - just moved to another server and purchased the domain up to 2019 - all with automatic renewal.

Upper St. Clair High School Class of 1976 Contact Us:   admin@usc1976.com