Our 45 year Reunion
See the USC1976 Facebook page for updates Welcome Upper St. Clair Class of 1976The Class of '75 is holding a joint reunion with the class of 1976 - Please join us on October 8th, 2022 - for more information -view the event now - on the newer website - https://uscalumni.infoIn advance of the 40 year reunion, we have created a class website similar to that of earlier USC classes. We will migrate most of the material from our Facebook page and include names and addresses that were provided at the time of our 35 year reunion. Only class members can view and edit this material. Please click here to REGISTER now. You will receive an email with a link to click-on to activate your account. For security purposes, the USC1976 administrator will then approve your account and you will have full access within one to three days. At that time, please login and check your address book listing and make corrections accordingly. (We have not included data for classmates who have previously requested that their information not be made public.)
Here are easy links to our class Facebook pages: